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Offline marcromboy
Fri Jul 08, 2011 1:46 am Post 
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i actually cant believe what i'm seeing here...
is this some f*cking bullshit reality show where they kill people ?

Offline monokult
Fri Jul 08, 2011 4:53 am Post 
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damn ... shocked

Offline UnknownMaster21
Fri Jul 08, 2011 5:11 am Post 
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Never look on back... Mirrors are for that...

No idea why he turned the wheel, maybe because got suddenly scared by wall or his mind wasn't 100% on doing the job...

Luckily no any worse injuries (altough that is very bad)

Offline Speedy J
Fri Jul 08, 2011 7:45 am Post 
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It is aa tv-show that was on recently. In this show they give people who are really bad drivers a car and let them do some tests.

Don't worry, although the accident was real, the people came off rather unharmed. :D

Offline sermilan
Fri Jul 08, 2011 8:53 am Post 
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What... a .... stupid driver...
Some people are just not talented for driving (as I am not for painting, for example :roll: ) and should never been given a wheel.

Offline FW-05
Fri Jul 08, 2011 9:01 am Post 
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Almost unharmed? Thats a huge pro for Volvo...
He had somehing like 80 kmph an crashed into another car, phew!
But wheres the passendgers airbag? didnt fire? must be very well setted up electronics.

Thanks for the vid, i could use it in future.

Offline Jenk
Fri Jul 08, 2011 9:01 am Post 
What was the purpose of that test? Was he supposed to drive head-on through the wall? Is it a "face your fears" type thing?

Offline Speedy J
Fri Jul 08, 2011 9:05 am Post 
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For this show people are selected who have extremely poor driving skills but who do have a driving license.

The purpose was to gain speed and start braking in time to be able to stop right in front of that wall. This driver was so stupid he forgot to brake, got scared, pulled the wheel and crashed into another car and the host of the show.

I guess that due to the sideways impact on other car only the felt airbag came out.

Offline sermilan
Fri Jul 08, 2011 9:56 am Post 
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I think that in the future there will be different levels of the same driving license. For example, a driving license for cars, but with levels "A", "B", "C"...
Then the speed limits, for example, would not be the same for everyone, it'll be like 30 kmh for level C, 50 for level B and 60 for level A.

A couple of years a go they lowered speed limits here in Serbia and straightened control that I became so bored while driving and started looking away while driving 40 kmh or even 30 on some places... and that's became dangerous. There is no logic in reducing the speed for everyone, just because there are talentless people who are dangerous with 30 kmh speed where I can pass safely with 70 kmh.

What I predict is driving licenses made like credit cards, with chips, and cars with card readers. You enter the car and you must put the license in the card reader and leave it there as long as the car is running. It'll emit waves saying "this guy has a "B" class driving license" and the traffic signs will be equipped with readers for such waves, which will then allow this car to pass through not more than at 50 kmh speed.
If it breaks the speed limit, it'll send warning to the driver to reduce speed in, let's say, 5 seconds or otherwise send the report to traffic police, which will then issue an appropriate penalty for that driver.

A little bit of science fiction, but I see it coming :)

Offline Speedy J
Fri Jul 08, 2011 11:16 am Post 
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I hope not Sermilan, too much a "Big Brother is watching you" for me :nothanks: We should learn the newer generation what taking own responsibility is, instead of making the controlling tasks of governments bigger and bigger, Responsible people don't need spying governments.

Wednesday I drove back home in the night on highways. Cruise control on 185 km/h. Perfect speed, perfectly safe. In your horrorscenario ( :wink: ) that would be impossible and take away fun in driving for me.

By the way, I hate the police :)

Offline Litro
Fri Jul 08, 2011 11:19 am Post 
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Speedy J wrote:
Cruise control on 185 km/h.

What car You are driving?

Offline Dave
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Fri Jul 08, 2011 11:48 am Post 
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marcromboy wrote:
is this some f*cking bullshit reality show where they kill people ?

Bullshit show yes, certainly....

Litro wrote:

What car You are driving?


Speedy J wrote:
Wednesday I drove back home in the night on highways. Cruise control on 185 km/h. Perfect speed,

What the?

I thought I showed you that the absolute maximum is 170 km/u without getting into trouble? You really pushing the boundaries hhmm :[

Speedy J wrote:
By the way, I hate the police :)

Nah some are OK O:)

Offline Litro
Fri Jul 08, 2011 11:50 am Post 
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There are 2 cars. But which one here?

Offline Dave
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Fri Jul 08, 2011 12:04 pm Post 
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Speedy J wrote:
perfectly safe.

that can only be in the Lexus (f) :thumb:

sermilan wrote:
A little bit of science fiction, but I see it coming :)

I don't think so. Don't underestimate the power of hacking.

But to be safe I moved to Germany anyway, just to be sure :lol:

Offline sermilan
Fri Jul 08, 2011 12:27 pm Post 
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Speedy J wrote:
I hope not Sermilan, too much a "Big Brother is watching you" for me...

It's nothing more than we already have (speed cameras, tachograph (things that record speeds) in trucks and buses...).

Besides, the system that I am talking about would allow you to cruise in 180 kmh if you pass the top test :wink: , that's the point. Should only disallow bad drivers from going that fast and risk their and other people's lives.

Speedy J wrote:
Responsible people don't need spying governments.

That's the point... we're paying the price because of the irresponsible drivers and have to reduce the speed to 80 kmh instead of going 180 kmh. The speed limits are made uniquely for all drivers, but it's adopted according to bad drivers, to make the roads safe primarily from them.

You made the perfect example, why would you be reduced to the speed limit of 80 kmh, when you are a perfectly safe driver who can go 180 kmh without endangering any of the traffic participants? :)

Offline -Joske-
Fri Jul 08, 2011 12:36 pm Post 
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Never look on back... Mirrors are for that...

It was a challenge to look back over the shoulder to see on what side he can pass the wall.


When you have this situation, he need to pass the wall on the side with the blue sign. When you have on both side that red/white sign, you have to brake for the wall.

But that guy was looking to long, and with to much speed. And when he lost control of the car he keep full gas.

Here another video where he lost control and almost hit people.


And a complication of him. (ps @ 3.17 it is the same test as with the crash.. He had to brake for the wall... But you see, he is to stupid for that.


Offline Litro
Fri Jul 08, 2011 1:18 pm Post 
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That must be FAKE :nah:

Offline Speedy J
Fri Jul 08, 2011 1:38 pm Post 
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Nah it's true Litro, really..... ;( wrote:
I thought I showed you that the absolute maximum is 170 km/u without getting into trouble? You really pushing the boundaries hhmm :[

But...but...but I did 185 @ 120 where you did 170 @ 80 :D

sermilan wrote:
Besides, the system that I am talking about would allow you to cruise in 180 kmh if you pass the top test :wink: , that's the point.

Then, my friend, it is a good point :thumb:

Offline Skagen
Fri Jul 08, 2011 3:54 pm Post 
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He lets go of the steering wheel to put his hand over his eyes? It's like a blind amputee with no arms in the driver seat while the car is crashing on it's own. :nah:

Offline eXeYn
Fri Jul 08, 2011 5:29 pm Post 
BTW are you guys talking about speed limit on motorways or in town? Hmm however ... I think both are necessary.

Offline BMW-gek
Fri Jul 08, 2011 5:38 pm Post 
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Then you missed the scariest part of it. Driving on the free road in Paris....... :nah: :x I hope I never see him in real life. :[

Offline Dave
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Fri Jul 08, 2011 6:44 pm Post 
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eXeYn wrote:
about speed limit on motorways or in town? Hmm however ... I think both are necessary.

You are pro Autobahn tempolimit? OMG ...

!ban 999

Offline eXeYn
Fri Jul 08, 2011 7:03 pm Post 

Hope it's just 999 seconds :cry:

The great variable: Human megalomania ( awesome word :thumb: ; had to check it ) and other reasons but the thread shouldn't end in this discussion. I find it already really annoying driving on the left side with a tempolimit when an even faster car approaches and wants to kiss your rear. But that's subjective :)

Offline Dave
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Fri Jul 08, 2011 8:09 pm Post 
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Stay on the right please or move to the Netherlands :duh:

Offline monokult
Sat Jul 09, 2011 6:15 am Post 
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I drive to work every day on Autobahn without limit 25km :D

Offline FW-05
Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:01 am Post 
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Autobahn is gorgeous, if theres no yellow plate in front of u! :roflol: :roflol:
Of course, I mean the drivers from luxembourg :D

Offline Speedy J
Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:24 am Post 
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Hehe well Dutch drivers on Autobahn are a real disaster sometimes or even in general.

But I can assure you that neither Dave, BMW-gek or me will keep you up :D

Offline KimJongIl
Sat Jul 16, 2011 7:54 am Post 
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Shows like this just make me too angry to watch the whole thing. My mind can not comprehend how stupid some people can be. BUT.. in one of the videos there is a clip of him doing the same thing as when he crashed into that camera man. So if they knew that he was going to do that, why stand there? That really doesnt make sense. So I dont hate the driver so much because that was the point of the whole program was it not? Why make the program if everybody passes all the challenges? Obviously the producer wants to see them crash and do crazy things! So why then stand where he is going?

Also in the clip with the Mercedes stretch limo some blonde bloke is standing behind the car. I have two rules:
1) Dont stand in front of a car with running engine
2) Dont stand in behind a car with running engine
You just dont know if something leaps the mind of the driver, they jump of the clutch, car makes a jump you are under the car... ESPECIALLY when you are between a wall and the car!!

The same rules I also apply for planes by the way. But they dont generally face a wall.

But "back to topic". I am pro speedlimit, but a variable one. When there is little traffic, increased the speedlimit. If there is a lot of traffic bring it down. I am against traffic cameras because they are a significant safety risk with people braking for them (including myself).

Also for towns I am absolutly for a speedlimit. Think about it.. Lets say you have a 100km journey. Maybe 10km are through a town. So for 10km you can do 50km/h and then for 90km you can do 100km/h (for simplicity i just say 100km/h). Increasing the speedlimit in the town from 50 to 80 would make pedestrian injuries quite a lot worse and would really only gain you very little because there are traffic lights, etc. etc. But increasing the speedlimit on the motorway where you cover 9 times more distance than through the town would make a MUCH bigger difference! You see where I am going with this?

So basically. In towns, 50km-60km/h. Around schools down to 30km/h. I know a kid who was hit by a speeding driver. He is now handicapped. Motorways up to maye... 200? 250km/h if your car can do it :P

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