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Offline SCS Sakuma
Mon Feb 13, 2012 9:36 pm Post 
so hi :)

ive only recently got lfs (2-3 weeks ago) and i love it! i was always an very competitive racer on the xbox and when i got into .. well lets just say i haven't played any xbox in around 3 weeks :P

so my question. ive seen alot of teams around the server. is there specific ways of getting in them? id love to join one! anyway to get more competitive racing done is a major want for myself :)

so yeah pretty straight forward! anyone care to cure my curiosity? :)

Offline fadeaway
Tue Feb 14, 2012 1:00 am Post 
User avatar
You can say you are interested to join here:
and you can see what teams are recruiting here:

Good luck in finding one :thumb:

Offline SCS Sakuma
Tue Feb 14, 2012 12:00 pm Post 
thanks :)

 [ 3 posts ] 

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