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Offline Kendis
Wed Jun 16, 2010 3:00 pm Post 

Just came here to ask, if you could please excuse my stupid friend, or at least me! He was at my place today playing on and he lost his temper and now I'm banned for it. I know I'm kind of responsible for his behaviour or I should not allow it, but yeah..

Is there any possibility to remove the ban? I mean I consider myself well behaved and I drive the best I can without ruining others driving.

- Kendis aka Kenkkuboi

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Thu Jun 17, 2010 12:14 am Post 
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The official problem was 'bad cursing' but OK. I removed you from the list.

Happy racing (f)

(your safety rate dropped due to the ban so you need to fix that also :wink: ).

Offline Speedy J
Thu Jun 17, 2010 7:25 am Post 
User avatar

Last week I asked you to change your numberplate. You did that which was okay. I am sure you remember what your numberplate said.

The swearing yesterday was to terrible and related to the numberplate-"incident" that I will not even repeat it here.

I gave you a shorttime ban -only three days- and was planning on warning you when you would return to the server to never say things like that again.

If it was your friend who did this please keep a close eye on him. If I see cursing like that again I will not hesitate to give a longterm ban. I am very patient and easy-going but some things just go to far for me.

You are a good racer Kendis. Put the energy on the track and not in the chat 8)

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