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Offline gandlers
Sat Apr 09, 2011 2:19 pm Post 
Licence Name: jjjeeefff
Lap: My lap 3
Description: Wrecker.

Had a tight group on the first lap of SO4, i bept backing off to avoid contact, and when the inevitible happened and i got a shunt in the rear under braking i made contact with jjjeefff and her came off worse.
I said sorry despite it no being my fault and managed to type that i got rammed. jjjeeefff then went off on one calling me a noob etc etc .and after watching the replay back it turns out he was threatening me: ordering me to spectate or he'd rejoin and wreck me.
I was too busy racing and was intending on having a word with him after the race and explain it wasnt my fault and i said sorry out of courtesy even though had i not been shunted i wouldnt have hit him.
As im finishing lap 2 he rejoins (as promised) and proceeds to try and block me, then when I manage to avoid him rams me at full speed into the slow right hander I had been braking for.
Unfortunately he disconnected after ramming me as I was going to politely ask him what his major malfunction was after the race.

Please can someone deal with this guy.
As I said sorry (out of good manners, notice no one else does) he decided he then had the right to launch his verbal attack at me. Had he bothered to check the replay he would have seen it was a racing incedent and not actually my fault despite me being the car that made contact.
His attitude to then threaten another racer to spectate (presumably because he wanted to abuse me more) isn't really what I'd class as acceptable and topped off with the deliberate block and ramming. Can we send this foor on a holiday please???



Offline Speedy J
Sat Apr 09, 2011 3:09 pm Post 
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Was indeed not your fault. And even if it was he should not behave like that.

Very stupid, I guess jjjeeefff never heard about replays.

Sending him away 60 days. This is the behavior we can not have in the servers, especially when there are no admins present.

I respect your calmness Gandlers.

Offline Speedy J
Sat Apr 09, 2011 3:15 pm Post 
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Spoke to jjjeeefff in racechat and want to move discussion here. If we can sort it out here we can consider a ban less long.

But for me: awefull behavior. Really.

Offline jjjeeefff
Sat Apr 09, 2011 3:21 pm Post 
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hey gandlers, speedy,

i want to apologize for my behaviour. I was bit frustrated after that crash and overreacted. :thumb_d:
I hope you can reduce the ban of 60 days. (personally i think 60 days is a bit hard, considering what happened). But you guys are the admins so pls make a wise decision.
I hope you let me back in the server, i really like it.
I hope this wont happen again.

grtz jeff

Offline gandlers
Sat Apr 09, 2011 4:11 pm Post 
Wrecking someone isnt the way to deal with things jjjeeefff, doesnt matter how frustrated you are even if they are guilty of crashing you. :no:
I hit "sorry" because I know how frustrating it is to be hit and everyone (including the person causing the crash) carry on without saying a word. I often say sorry for stuff that isnt even my fault as you should show other racers the same courtesy you would like them to show you, a concept that many sim racers seem to ignore.
I hope that you have learnt from this experience, the admins and racers like myself want to keep places like cargame free from non sportsman like behaviour. It's upto Speedy (and other admins) if they want to reduce your "holiday", I don't have a problem with that, just remember that I am one of the good guys (or i try to be).

See you on track. :hug:


Offline Speedy J
Sat Apr 09, 2011 4:24 pm Post 
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Since it is the first revenge wreck in +500 laps it could be an idea to lift the ban. But if we do that I want to make very clear that if it happens again there will be no discussion in lowering or lifting a 2 months ban.

Can we agree on that guys?

And yes Gandlers is one of the good guys :thumb:

Offline gandlers
Sat Apr 09, 2011 4:27 pm Post 
Speedy J wrote:
And yes Gandlers is one of the good guys :thumb:

ahhhhh :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline jjjeeefff
Sat Apr 09, 2011 4:47 pm Post 
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admins, gandlers,

i hope you dont consider me as crasher now... I really try to be nice but sometimes i cant control my reactions. I will do my best to not let this happen again!
Thx for lifting the ban

Offline Speedy J
Sat Apr 09, 2011 4:59 pm Post 
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Okay, get back in and have good and clean races.

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