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Offline Nicce
Fri Apr 22, 2011 3:59 pm Post 
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lfsw: bert knops
nickname: TRDT B.Knops

T1. lap1..

i take inside and he "i guess" didnt care that i was there because he rams pass me and of the track.
not the first encounter i see this dude does annyway so i thought CG should keep an eye up on this fellow and see his bad acting.

and ofc he didnt say sorry or annything.

/regards Nicce

Offline marcromboy
Fri Apr 22, 2011 7:05 pm Post 
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mh sorry to say, but knops is a great driver, maybe it was just a mistake.
dont forget that racing sometimes ends in touching each other or there might have been some crashes.
why not just talk about this behaviour after the race, i bet it wasnt on purpose,
as i had some nice racing action with him in the past aswell, and even though there might have been some contact between us, we always ended the race with a smile on our face and just forget about the situation may happened.


Offline Nicce
Fri Apr 22, 2011 7:34 pm Post 
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true man..
he is a good driver thats why i dont understand why it happend and in the way it happend.
yes racing is rough but its not fun if it like this either.


Sat Apr 23, 2011 1:33 am Post 
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hi. sorry to bump.. i just wanted to say i do not know knops but i do know the danish racing team which i beleive is the TDRT. and all drivers there are usually good seems to me its actually N.Dahl who gets the nose too far ahead and cutting off Knops, which then tries to steer to n.Dahls inside to avoid a crash.N.Dahl turns into the side from where Knops are coming and gets pushed around.i saw from follow cam in very slowmo.then you see N.Dahl uses more than half the road surface which leaves no room to Knops,why he has to go into the grass.thats what i see.. sorry i didnt mean to mingle..

Offline Rolly
Sat Apr 23, 2011 4:25 pm Post 
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perhaps an unusual mistake by a normally a good driver

Offline -Joske-
Sat Apr 23, 2011 5:03 pm Post 
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Rolly wrote:
perhaps an unusual mistake by a normally a goodgreat driver

Hee was today also on the server... Brakes all the time for every car. So proberly a mistake.

Offline Nicce
Sat Apr 23, 2011 6:06 pm Post 
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guess its sorted. :)
tnx for time to look it up annyway. =)

Offline TDRT B.Knops
Sat Apr 23, 2011 6:07 pm Post 
If I did something wrong I apologise, but I can't check this as I don't remember the incident and the wrong replay is attached to the OP. I know I don't give many presents on the track, but I always try to be a fair and just driver.

Again, sorry if I made a mistake, but I'm disappointed you didn't take the matter up with me post-race but instead went straight to reporting me.

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