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Offline bandit
Mon Apr 25, 2011 11:18 am Post 
My 24hr Ban.

Guilty? Well yes of course. My mistake was obviously to bump Shellex of the road and use inappropriate language [KY3R] Kyoto Ring 5 14 / 22 24 Apr 22:33 Ban should be inforced for that incident I have no complaints!

Point towards incident leading up to this [KY3R] Kyoto Ring 5 16 / 18 24 Apr 22:17 Shellex cross start/finish end of race turn 2. This happened at the end of the race and i have to say was not intentional. It appeared Shellex had gone wide and I moved to overtake up the inside. That was all it was. Why did he believe that I crashed him out of the race..... need to take it not so serious at race end..

However, subsequent language used was in-approriate and un-necceassry. I am a fair competitor (notice me slowing up for shellex when i noticed i was blue flagged last lap).

The language used by Shellex was simply not neccessary and deserves action to be taken for that. That was evident in the report against Blackbelt Rasta. This goes against the ethic of the server! I must assume this language is tolerated and deserves no action then as i see no further action for this?

I can only add that the ban be enforced for both parties regarding this matter.

Offline Litro
Mon Apr 25, 2011 2:17 pm Post 
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Tosser word is nothing , considering crash that You made on purpose in next race !(report us if you don't like words that he use,but never do this!) 24 BAN is nothing big deal too, but next time it will be longer...I hope You understand that this kind of behavior can not be tolerated in public servers(saw your LFSW profile, Birthday: 1970-01-01(true/or not), so You should understand it.) So do clean racing without that behavior, and everything will be OK !

Offline bandit
Mon Apr 25, 2011 2:25 pm Post 
Litro your tone sounds as though you don't like me.! tosser Literally, one who masturbates. Common usage typically refers to anyone of whom you have a low opinion of.

That means nothing!

I have already said i was wrong in crashing and admitted and ban is fitting. So that language is okay then?

Offline Litro
Mon Apr 25, 2011 2:27 pm Post 
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Report it here or say it to any other CG member in server(we will help to you). Never do action like this...

Offline bandit
Mon Apr 25, 2011 2:32 pm Post 
My point is The driver who used abusive remarks was ignorned by me immediately. Notice i did not say sorry...... The crashing was stupid i admit but you as a moderator need to deal with the language too, all things being equal and fair.

Offline Litro
Mon Apr 25, 2011 2:36 pm Post 
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That's not fair...that's called revenge wreck. If you wouldn't do this crashing or saying sorry after accident, there wouldn't be situations like this.

Offline Tooth
Mon Apr 25, 2011 2:45 pm Post 
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bandit wrote:
My point is The driver who used abusive remarks was ignorned by me immediately. Notice i did not say sorry...... The crashing was stupid i admit but you as a moderator need to deal with the language too, all things being equal and fair.

To be fair, both can lead to ban. Short or long time depends of the seriousness of the issue.

Offline bandit
Mon Apr 25, 2011 3:01 pm Post 
The situation was reported because 1 driver felt another was not playing unfair. So when you check it all out 2 drivers were playing unfair. That should mean 2 bans! Take a look at the history of Blackbelt Rasta on Cargame. You will find a sporting conduct fitting of Cargame rules.

Why the driver even bothered reporteingit is beyond me considering the remarks made. (Must want to make a point). To me reports are a waste of mederators time. i would have let it go myself and called it equal.

Offline Litro
Mon Apr 25, 2011 3:03 pm Post 
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Then respect rules ...! Now You see that there is report section and you can give report about it, before you do something like this...

Offline bandit
Mon Apr 25, 2011 3:06 pm Post 
Respect Rules of course. This must be a shared respect from both sides of the argument/position. As it stands my ban will be served and that will be that! until another situation like this happens to waste your time.

Offline Litro
Mon Apr 25, 2011 3:09 pm Post 
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OK, wait for the main admins - Speedy or Dave. And they will make it clear.

Offline bandit
Mon Apr 25, 2011 3:11 pm Post 
Should i just ask the question then. Have you banned the other driver for using abusive language?

Offline Tooth
Mon Apr 25, 2011 4:19 pm Post 
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bandit wrote:
Should i just ask the question then. Have you banned the other driver for using abusive language?

I have. There was a story before, crashed a guy, didnt say sorry, and started blaming the crashed one. It went so out of hand, started swearing and generally ruining anyones race. I got fed up and banned him. Speedy J agreed with me.
Exactly what happned here. And if YOU dont think "Tosser" might not be a swear word, our admin (whoever banned) thinks differently. And TBH, i got hes back. To swear at someone is discrimination, same is calling names. Be tolerate :) :lief:

Offline Dave
Site Admin
Mon Apr 25, 2011 5:21 pm Post 
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bandit wrote:
The language used by Shellex was simply not neccessary and deserves action to be taken for that.

Really? Well not the action you initiated.

It's a 48 hour ban, not a 24 hour one and you deserve it. If you have problems with someone you either talk it over with the person or if it's not possible you report it here. Revenge wrecking is out of the question and actually there are way longer bans for that. I would easily give a week, two weeks or a month ban depending on your server loyalty.

I don't know if it's sunny over there, but if it is, go outside, enjoy and relax.

Offline bandit
Mon Apr 25, 2011 7:32 pm Post 
Why do i get the the tone that I don't agree with the Ban. I'm fine with the ban i agree there are better ways of dealing with issues online! I just wanted clarification that bans are issued for all cases where there is cause! Believe me I have connected to your servers on many occasions over many months and have fell foul of wreckers before. I just ignore them and move on.

For some reason this driver felt it that it was okay to be abusive and then decide to report an incident. That just did not sit right at that moment and thats why i crashed him out!

Not stressed here, just making the point because it's been taken this far!

Your server, I respect your rules
Ahh well, you live and learn.........

See you on track soon.

Offline ShelleX
Mon Apr 25, 2011 8:35 pm Post 
I didnt say anything about reporting you until you wrecked me in the next race and called me a tosser. You even replied me with "go right ahead" after I told you I was gonna report you to forums, and now youre .... complaining?

some people.......

Offline bandit
Mon Apr 25, 2011 8:40 pm Post 
Shellex I'm not complaining!

You make a habit of abusing people like that in real life? If you do then you would expect to get a punch in your nose if you do. Online it's far easier to abuse like that an just think no one minds!

'Go right ahead', I knew my fate and yours too!

Shellex let it go man! I have nothing against you. Finally i can talk to you. Why did u think that it was Ok to use abusive words after i bumped you into turn 2 at the end of the race? Did you not think it was an accident and as accidents go why did you not wait for an apology! You would have got one from me! You went for the jugular too quickly!

Anyway, next time you get bumped, give time for an apology then ask for one you will find most will just say sorry........

Offline Tooth
Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:07 pm Post 
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bandit wrote:
Believe me I have connected to your servers on many occasions over many months and have fell foul of wreckers before.

+1. In my eyes lot of bad driving also goes away. I ceep a look out for bad drivers, sometimes say them on TeamSpeak or just ceep the name in memorie. I rarely want to ban someone, I belive noone likes that, but if its neccesary, we do it. And good about, that
bandit wrote:
Shellex let it go man!
, and so should you. You accepted the consequenses. 48H Isnt that long. You could do something useful in that time. Like make a chair or get quality time with your dog. :lief: TBH, ive had quite good races with you in GT2 (FZ2 mostly), you seemed like a fair racer to me. But sometimes everyone cracks, they just show theyr emotions in different places.

T.Lomp :) :thumb:

Offline ShelleX
Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:50 pm Post 
You crashed me in the chicane where "going wide" is the actual racing line if youre looking to go fast, I waited 10-15sec (I watched the replay) for an apology but you just kept going as if nothing happened. You are either a horribly slow typer, or a liar.

Coming at me and accusing me of being abusive in front of the admins isnt the best way to say youve got nothing against me either.

Offline bandit
Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:04 pm Post 
You crashed me in the chicane where "going wide"

Thats not a crash! Besides Your vehicle tends to drift as it is rear wheel driven! Easy to mistake a wide turn with that car, hence my move up the inside with a more stable car!

Your response even though i never apoligised straight away was to say the least a bit strong! why use such abusive words?

You really do have a problem. Speak to the admins about the server rules and how it goes from there experience. sometimes you just got to let things go too!

Offline xzu
Tue Apr 26, 2011 11:43 am Post 
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"He said she said what he said was not what he said but she said it was" - playground antics :fp:

Chillax buddies :lief:

sort it on the track (no kissing and rubbing paint :D)

Wed May 25, 2011 4:26 pm Post 
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sorry to bump. but so no one gets confused about bandit and me. i just wanted to say this is NOT smokey the bandit, just if someone gets it mixed up. i have no comments otherwise to thread.just wanted people to know this..thats all.

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